
Clone drone in the danger zone mark 4
Clone drone in the danger zone mark 4

Zombie Bots were added in the 2021 halloween update, resembling regular robots but in a state of decay and with elongated arms with large hands with claw-like fingers. Each level of Spear Bot is larger than the last, though the change isn’t as prominent as it is for Hammer Bots. Mark 3 and above can perform a shield bash, knocking the player over. Spear bots will jab at you with spears, and at Mark 2 and above they also wield a shield which they use to protect their body and is also used to deflect arrows. If they kick you into a wall at close range, your head can sometimes be damaged. Mark 2 Kick Bots are nearly as fast as a max jetpack and can jump high and power kick you. They have little way of damaging you directly, and act more as annoyances than proper threats. The light and agile Kick Bots will run around and attempt to kick you, stunning you for a while if they make contact. Jetpack Hammer Bots use a fire hammer, so are often likened to Mark 4 Hammer Bots. Although predominantly sword wielders, they also come in archer, hammer, and spear variants later on in the game. They use a Jetpack the same as the player has, and Mark 1-2s have a level 1-2 jetpack accordingly. These speedy bots propel themselves forward and attempt to kill you with extremely fast movements. Mark 1-3s also grow in size with each Mark. Marks 1-3 have a hammer size corresponding to their level, and Mark 5s have a dash and fire hammer. Also initially mindless drones, they become better at as higher Marks start appearing. Large robots encountered further into the game, the Hammer Bots wield giant hammers that are not blockable, but they swing slowly and are generally confounded by fast movements. In a level, there is usually at least one Sword Robot, with rare exceptions. Initially, the Sword Robots are your standard mindless drones, but as you move on, you begin to encounter higher Marks, and thus a better challenge, with Mark 3s gaining block arrows, Mark 4s gaining fire sword and Mark 5s gaining a dash. Their blades can cleave right through you if you aren’t wearing armor. The first melee bot you can encounter, low level Sword Robots are some of the easiest opponents. 3.3 Command Bots (Warfare, Mind Space, Infantry and Logistics).

Clone drone in the danger zone mark 4